Letter to Gunlake Quarries
Dear Mr Kettle
I would once again like to take this opportunity to thank you and your company for the donation of the funds you made towards the installation of new playground equipment at Marulan Public School.
After all the funds were combined, the total amount was then sent off to the Department of Education’s Assets Department to call for tenders.
The tenders have been received and our assets people have decided on the company that will complete the project. The manufacturer of the equipment is presently taking place and it is due to be installed at the school around the 12th of August. We have included an artists impression of what the completed project will look like.
Once the project is completed and restrictions allow for certain sized gatherings, we will organise a grand opening and celebration where we can acknowledge and thank everybody who contributed. We will also send you some photos of the completed project as soon as we can.
Thank you again, the children are really looking forward to playing on this new equipment.
Yours faithfully,
Ross Copland
Acting Principal